
Economic Development

Designated Enterprise Zones (EZ) and newly formed Entrepreneur and Enterprise Districts (EED) attract and retain commercial investment by offering state tax relief (deductions) to companies. Businesses with qualifying investments in an EZ or EED realize real and property tax benefits for ten years as described in Indiana Code (IC) 5-28-15 and IC Title 6. From our map, you can connect to your local zone or district’s website or association director for details.

Workforce Development

Attracting and growing businesses leads to more job opportunities in our communities. Enterprise
Zones and Entrepreneur and Enterprise Districts are led by their governing non-profit Urban Enterprise Association (UEA) that works with government leadership and organizations to expand and strengthen the local workforce. This coordination is specific to the needs of the area businesses and can result in the development or promotion of training programs, offering of scholarships, addressing housing needs, and potentially, tax credits. From our map, you can connect to your local zone or district’s website or association director for details.

Community Development

Attracting business investment results in jobs and other opportunities for growth, which is the cornerstone of a strong community and quality of life for our Indiana residents. Enterprise Zones offer area programs that can take the form of neighborhoods grants and/or infrastructure investment, or other connections to maintain and improve the redevelopment area. Entrepreneur and Enterprise District programs focus expanding the entrepreneur ecosystem to support the formation of new businesses. From our map, you can connect to your local zone or district’s website or association director for details.